The Morristown Volunteer Fire Department is 25-member strong and provides the following services to the Communities of Morristown and Hanover Township in Shelby County:
  • Fire response and first response for Emergency Medical Care.
  • First response and Haz-Mat with limited resources.
  • First response for rescue, multiple Hurst brand Rescue Tools and Pumps.
  • BLS ( Basic Life Support ) Ambulance

Department News: 

 Seeking Operations Chief for the Morristown Fire Department 
The application can be found under the forms tab below. 

Title:      Operations Chief

Rank:      Operations Chief

Reports to:     Fire Chief

Appointed by:     Town of Morristown

I.        Purpose of Position

The Operations Chief is a full-time hired position, responsible for all day-to-day activities of the Fire Department.

II.      Essential Duties and Responsibilities

A.      Ensure the safety of all assigned personnel

B.      Support and enforce Department policies and standards

C.       Mentor and support all Department personnel

D.      Scheduling of all full-time and part-time employees

E.       Be accountable for station and apparatus during duty hours

F.       Review and submit timecards from all assigned employees

G.      Establish and run incident command

H.      Communicate pertinent information to all Department personnel

I.        Accurately complete and update Department documentation, including but not limited to:

1.       Personnel Records

2.       NFIRS reports

3.       EMS reports

4.       Injury/exposure reports

5.       Station logbook

6.       Maintenance reports

7.       Truck checks

8.       Truck assignments

J.         Oversee completion of all daily duties and special/extra duties

K.      Coordinate training for all on duty and volunteer personnel

L.       Serve as Department PIO, proactively promoting Department accomplishments and activities

M.     Develop and implement a variety of public education programs for the general public

N.      Apply for additional funding quarterly through various grants for equipment, PPE, staffing, etc.

O.      Other duties as assigned

III.   Minimum Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

A.      The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and written, in the English language

B.      Meet or exceed MVFD SOP/SOG requirements for the position of paid firefighter/EMT

C.       FOST, Officer I, Instructor I.  (Officer II, Instructor II,III, Paramedic preferred)

D.      Knowledge of National Incident Management System (NIMS) procedures including certification in NIMS ICS 100, 200, 700 and 800.  (300 and 400 preferred)

IV.    Job Location

Station 51

V.      Schedule

This is a full-time, 40-hour work week position

VI. Pay

Pay as designated by the Town of Morristown



Morristown Fire Department



Title: Operations Chief / Part-time Firefighter / EMT


Purpose of Position

This is a part time position approved by the Morristown-Hanover Township Fire and Emergency Medical Board. The Firefighter shall respond to all calls and perform station duties as assigned.

I.        Essential Duties and Responsibilities             

A.   On duty firefighters shall:

1.       Be in appropriate Department uniform and ready for work/response at 0800.

2.       Respond to emergency incidents.

3.       Cover assigned station for emergencies during their shift.

4.       Participate in trainings or special events.

5.       Perform station duties, truck checks, required minor station and apparatus maintenance.

6.       Wash apparatus per truck check.

7.       Perform any extra duties assigned by a department Chief Officers

B.      Firefighters shall maintain the ability to meet the following minimums:

1.       Respond to alarms by reporting to the assigned vehicle, and ride in the assigned vehicle to the scene of an emergency or fire.

2.       Lift, carry, drag, lay, and connect hose lines from hydrants and equipment to scene. Carry resuscitators, tools, and other equipment from vehicle to scene.

3.       Raise and climb ladders, crawl, and walk on roofs and floors, open holes and windows with axes, bars, or hooks for access or ventilation.

4.       Combat fires by holding nozzles and directing streams or fogs, of chemicals or water, while moving into the fire area, including movement into confined spaces or stairwells.

5.       Communicate by voice or radio with other firefighters and other emergency personnel to relay observations, equipment needs, and other relevant information.

6.       Move people away from danger, including carrying non-ambulatory patients.

7.       Provide emergency medical treatment to injured people.

8.       Remove objects from buildings, place protective covers over objects, and monitor assigned areas for signs of recurrence.

9.       Conduct fire drills, critique drill participants on emergency procedures, and other related subjects.

10.   Maintain departmental equipment and structures, which includes cleaning and washing walls and floors, hanging and drying fire hose, cleaning equipment, and performing preventative maintenance on motorized equipment.

11.   Maintain personal physical fitness.

12.   Perform related duties as assigned.

C.       Environmental factors for firefighters

1.       Operate both as a member of a team and independently at incidents of uncertain duration.

2.       Spend extensive time outside exposed to the elements.

3.       Experience frequent transitions from hot to cold and from humid to dry atmospheres.

4.       Tolerate extreme fluctuations in temperature and perform physically demanding work in hot IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health) atmospheres while wearing equipment that significantly impairs body cooling mechanisms.

5.       Work in wet, icy, or muddy areas.

6.       Perform a variety of tasks on slippery, hazardous surfaces such as on roof tops or ladders.

7.       Work in areas where sustaining traumatic or thermal injury is possible.

8.       Face exposure to carcinogenic dusts such as asbestos, and toxic substances such as hydrogen cyanide, acids, carbon monoxide, or organic solvents either through inhalation or skin contact.t

9.       Face exposure to infectious agents such as Hepatitis B or HIV.

10.   Perform complex tasks during life-threatening emergencies.

11.   Work for long periods of time, requiring sustained physical activity and intense concentration.

12.   Face life and death decisions during emergency conditions.

13.   Tolerate exposure to grotesque sights and smells associated with major trauma and burn victims.

14.   Make rapid transitions from rest to near maximal exertion without warm-up periods.

15.   Operate in environments of high noise, poor visibility, limited mobility, at heights, and in enclosed or confined spaces.

16.   Use manual or power tools in the performance of duties.

17.   Rely on sense of sight, hearing, smell, and touch to help determine the nature of the emergency, maintain personal safety, and make critical decisions in confused, chaotic, and potentially life-threatening environments.

18.   Wear personal protective equipment that weighs approximately fifty (50) pounds while performing the essential functions of the job.

19.   Perform physically demanding work while wearing protective pressure breathing equipment with 1.5 inches water column resistance to exhalation at a flow of forty liters per minute.

20.   Be able to communicate with people effectively.

21.   Meet department minimum firefighter training standards.

II.      Minimum Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

1.       The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and written, in the English language.

2.       IDHS Certified Firefighter I/II

3.       IDHS Certified Emergency Medical Technician

4.       IDHS Certified Hazmat 1st Responder – Operations

5.       Employees less than Emergency Medical Technician see other policies on work availability.


III.    Pay

Compensation is based on the current hourly rate approved by the Morristown-Hanover Township Fire and Emergency Medical Board.