Morristown Volunteer Fire Department

Operational Mission Statement

The Men and Women of the Morristown Volunteer Fire Department shall treat every individual with respect, dignity and the highest degree of professionalism. We shall discharge the duties we are sworn to uphold without fail. We shall not judge the people we protect of their actions. We shall make the best possible decisions based on our experience, education, and training.

We shall assist our citizens in a safe and expeditious manner.

We shall work hard to make our job safer for the firefighters and the community safer for our citizens. We will be diligent public servants and uphold the laws and Constitution of the United States of America, the State of Indiana and the Town of Morristown.

We shall be role models to our children and the children of our community; we shall teach fire and life safety, and be educators.

We shall take every citizen's question, problem, or emergency, no matter how large or small, seriously, and with the up-most regard to quickly help them solve the problem, emergency, or question.

We shall do our best to see that within the limits of our capabilities, we are "The" department our citizens look to in times of crisis when no one else can help.