Welcome to the official website of the Town of Morristown! Located just 30 minutes outside of Indianapolis, Morristown is home to a strong industrial base and a great community. Whether you're a local resident looking to find out about local government or a visitor to our great community for the first time, you've come to the right place.
The Town of Morristown is an Equal Opportunity Provider
![]() Shelby County Public Notification SystemSign up here for Shelby County Public Alerts!In the event of an emergency or severe weather, an alert will be sent to the phone number provided by voice, text, email, and/or pager. Morristown Derby Day's Click to go directly to the website for more information |
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Morristown is governed by a five member council which exercises the legislative function of the town. The terms of the town council are staggered in order to prevent the turnover of an entire town council after an election. The council chooses from its members a president who conducts meetings, performs various other executive functions, and is designated as the town executive.
Town Council meetings are held at the Morristown Municipal Building which is located at 418 W. Main Street. They meet at 7:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month.
Dave Benefiel |
President |
December 31, 2027 |
Larry Tracy |
Vice President |
December 31, 2026 |
Tammy Davis |
Councilwoman |
December 31, 2027 |
Ralph Henderson |
Councilman |
December 31, 2026 |
Kristi Langkabel |
Councilwoman |
December 31, 2026 |
- Receive and care for all town money and disburse monies on the order of the Town Council;
- Keep financial accounts identifying the sources from which funds have been received and to whom payments of town funds have been made;
- Prescribe payroll and account forms for all town offices;
- Prescribe the manner in which creditors, officers, and employees shall be paid;
- Manage the finances and accounts of the town and make investments of town money;
- Prepare the budget estimates of miscellaneous revenue, financial statements, and the proposed tax rate for the town council;
- Maintain custody of the town seal and the records of the Town Council;
- Issue all licenses and collect the fees fixed by ordinance;
- Serve as clerk of the legislative body by attending its meetings and recording its proceedings and;
- Administer oaths, take depositions, and serve as the notary without a fee.
Fire response and first response for Emergency Medical Care.
First response and Haz-Mat with limited resources.
First response for rescue, multiple Hurst brand Rescue Tools and Pumps.
- BLS ( Basic Life Support ) Ambulance
Department News:
Title: Operations Chief
Rank: Operations Chief
Reports to: Fire Chief
Appointed by: Town of Morristown
I. Purpose of Position
The Operations Chief is a full-time hired position, responsible for all day-to-day activities of the Fire Department.
II. Essential Duties and Responsibilities
A. Ensure the safety of all assigned personnel
B. Support and enforce Department policies and standards
C. Mentor and support all Department personnel
D. Scheduling of all full-time and part-time employees
E. Be accountable for station and apparatus during duty hours
F. Review and submit timecards from all assigned employees
G. Establish and run incident command
H. Communicate pertinent information to all Department personnel
I. Accurately complete and update Department documentation, including but not limited to:
1. Personnel Records
2. NFIRS reports
3. EMS reports
4. Injury/exposure reports
5. Station logbook
6. Maintenance reports
7. Truck checks
8. Truck assignments
J. Oversee completion of all daily duties and special/extra duties
K. Coordinate training for all on duty and volunteer personnel
L. Serve as Department PIO, proactively promoting Department accomplishments and activities
M. Develop and implement a variety of public education programs for the general public
N. Apply for additional funding quarterly through various grants for equipment, PPE, staffing, etc.
O. Other duties as assigned
III. Minimum Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
A. The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and written, in the English language
B. Meet or exceed MVFD SOP/SOG requirements for the position of paid firefighter/EMT
C. FOST, Officer I, Instructor I. (Officer II, Instructor II,III, Paramedic preferred)
D. Knowledge of National Incident Management System (NIMS) procedures including certification in NIMS ICS 100, 200, 700 and 800. (300 and 400 preferred)
IV. Job Location
Station 51
V. Schedule
This is a full-time, 40-hour work week position
VI. Pay
Pay as designated by the Town of Morristown
Morristown Fire Department
Title: Operations Chief / Part-time Firefighter / EMT
Purpose of Position
This is a part time position approved by the Morristown-Hanover Township Fire and Emergency Medical Board. The Firefighter shall respond to all calls and perform station duties as assigned.
I. Essential Duties and Responsibilities
A. On duty firefighters shall:
1. Be in appropriate Department uniform and ready for work/response at 0800.
2. Respond to emergency incidents.
3. Cover assigned station for emergencies during their shift.
4. Participate in trainings or special events.
5. Perform station duties, truck checks, required minor station and apparatus maintenance.
6. Wash apparatus per truck check.
7. Perform any extra duties assigned by a department Chief Officers
B. Firefighters shall maintain the ability to meet the following minimums:
1. Respond to alarms by reporting to the assigned vehicle, and ride in the assigned vehicle to the scene of an emergency or fire.
2. Lift, carry, drag, lay, and connect hose lines from hydrants and equipment to scene. Carry resuscitators, tools, and other equipment from vehicle to scene.
3. Raise and climb ladders, crawl, and walk on roofs and floors, open holes and windows with axes, bars, or hooks for access or ventilation.
4. Combat fires by holding nozzles and directing streams or fogs, of chemicals or water, while moving into the fire area, including movement into confined spaces or stairwells.
5. Communicate by voice or radio with other firefighters and other emergency personnel to relay observations, equipment needs, and other relevant information.
6. Move people away from danger, including carrying non-ambulatory patients.
7. Provide emergency medical treatment to injured people.
8. Remove objects from buildings, place protective covers over objects, and monitor assigned areas for signs of recurrence.
9. Conduct fire drills, critique drill participants on emergency procedures, and other related subjects.
10. Maintain departmental equipment and structures, which includes cleaning and washing walls and floors, hanging and drying fire hose, cleaning equipment, and performing preventative maintenance on motorized equipment.
11. Maintain personal physical fitness.
12. Perform related duties as assigned.
C. Environmental factors for firefighters
1. Operate both as a member of a team and independently at incidents of uncertain duration.
2. Spend extensive time outside exposed to the elements.
3. Experience frequent transitions from hot to cold and from humid to dry atmospheres.
4. Tolerate extreme fluctuations in temperature and perform physically demanding work in hot IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health) atmospheres while wearing equipment that significantly impairs body cooling mechanisms.
5. Work in wet, icy, or muddy areas.
6. Perform a variety of tasks on slippery, hazardous surfaces such as on roof tops or ladders.
7. Work in areas where sustaining traumatic or thermal injury is possible.
8. Face exposure to carcinogenic dusts such as asbestos, and toxic substances such as hydrogen cyanide, acids, carbon monoxide, or organic solvents either through inhalation or skin contact.t
9. Face exposure to infectious agents such as Hepatitis B or HIV.
10. Perform complex tasks during life-threatening emergencies.
11. Work for long periods of time, requiring sustained physical activity and intense concentration.
12. Face life and death decisions during emergency conditions.
13. Tolerate exposure to grotesque sights and smells associated with major trauma and burn victims.
14. Make rapid transitions from rest to near maximal exertion without warm-up periods.
15. Operate in environments of high noise, poor visibility, limited mobility, at heights, and in enclosed or confined spaces.
16. Use manual or power tools in the performance of duties.
17. Rely on sense of sight, hearing, smell, and touch to help determine the nature of the emergency, maintain personal safety, and make critical decisions in confused, chaotic, and potentially life-threatening environments.
18. Wear personal protective equipment that weighs approximately fifty (50) pounds while performing the essential functions of the job.
19. Perform physically demanding work while wearing protective pressure breathing equipment with 1.5 inches water column resistance to exhalation at a flow of forty liters per minute.
20. Be able to communicate with people effectively.
21. Meet department minimum firefighter training standards.
II. Minimum Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
1. The ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and written, in the English language.
2. IDHS Certified Firefighter I/II
3. IDHS Certified Emergency Medical Technician
4. IDHS Certified Hazmat 1st Responder – Operations
5. Employees less than Emergency Medical Technician see other policies on work availability.
III. Pay
Compensation is based on the current hourly rate approved by the Morristown-Hanover Township Fire and Emergency Medical Board.
- 3 shelters that include: charcoal grill, picnic tables, lights and power
- Amphitheater
- Soccer Fields
- Softball Field
- Driving Range
- Playground Equipment
- Public Restroom
- Power Hookups available
Building Inspector
Directs and participates in the enforcement of numerous ordinances pertaining to zoning, buildings, plumbing, electrical, fences, residential and commercial building, and site exteriors, signage, grading, and the land disturbance permits, occupancy permits, special use permits, and other regulatory systems. Reviews residential, commercial, and industrial plans for compliance with building and zoning ordinances and approves all permits, conducts, and field inspections. Receives applications for all required permits and issues permit after ensuring that applications are complete and in compliance; performs inspections as required, requested, or appropriate. Works by complaint on unsafe buildings and determines if they can be repaired or require demolition.
Building Inspector Contact Form
Town Morristown Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)
Permit Fee Schedule:
- Residential Application
- Residential Fees
- Business Fees
Planning Board Member | Position | End of Tenure |
Jesse Berling | Planning Director, Building & Electrical Inspector | Hired by the Town Board 2021 |
Renee Odum | Citizen Member & Planning Board President | 12/31/2024 |
Krisit Langkabel | Town Board Member & Planning Board Vice President | |
Brandy Graves | Citizen Member & Planning Board Secretary | 12/31/2027 |
Michael Brinson | Citizen Member | 12/31/2024 |
Dave Benefiel | Town Board Member | |
Larry Tracy | Town Board Member |
The Town of Morristown established the Redevelopment Commission to ensure redevelopment in underutilized areas with barriers to development that are in the best social and economic interest of the Town of Morristown and its residents. This is done through techniques that can include real estate acquisition, site preparation, and/or providing public infrastructure to the site. These techniques can be funded using Tax-Increment Financing (TIF) that will benefit all taxable property within the boundaries of the Economic Development Area. A primary focus is the enhancement of the economic vitality of the Town of Morristown, the expansion of the tax base, and the creation of new jobs within the Town of Morristown.
Missions & Objectives
• Collaboration and facilitation - the Town of Morristown Redevelopment Commission may take an active lead, be a partner, or be a participant with other agencies and entities to implement the goals and objectives of the Town of Morristown and the Shelby County Redevelopment Commission
• Establish, maintain and enhance community assets that attract business, industry, residents, workforce, and visitors.
• Provide the full range of high-quality infrastructure elements necessary to support business and industry growth, retention, and attraction.
In addition to the mission and objectives identified above, the plan is specifically designed to provide financing for transportation, fire protection, sewer, stormwater, water supply, property acquisition and/or development, and funding for future economic development projects and workforce training as defined in I.C. 36-7-14-12.2(a), I.C. 36-7-11.9-3, and I.C. 36-7-25-7, to foster the goals and objectives of the Area to promote the full potential of the economic development area.

EMPLOYEE POSITION Craig Jones Streets-Maintenance Dave Brush Park-Greenspace Gary Rogers Water Operator Don Smith Wastewater Operator
- Improve the capacity of the amount of water taken in and out; and
Improve support of industrial water flow.
The Wastewater Treatment Plant currently employees four employees. The employees are not only responsible for the Wastewater Treatment Plant, they are also responsible for the duties of the Street Department, Water Department, and responsible for maintaining town vehicles, town buildings, and town equipment.
EMPLOYEE POSITIONDon Smith Wastewater OperatorDave Brush Park-Greenspace Craig Jones Streets-Maintenance Gary Rogers Water Operator
The Water Department currently employees three employees. The employees are not only responsible for the Water Department, they are also responsible for the duties of the Street Department, Wastewater Department, and responsible for maintaining town vehicles, town buildings, and town equipment.
EMPLOYEE POSITION Gary Rogers Water Operator Dave Brush Park-Greenspace Craig Jones Streets-Maintenance Don Smith Wastewater Operator
This section will catalog the history of the Town of Morristown through photos and articles.
The Town of Morristown is currently searching for historical pictures and articles pertaining to the Town of the Morristown, Industry of Morristown, Morristown Fire Department and Morristown Police Department. If you have any pictures or articles and they are in digital format, they can be sent to the town at [email protected]. If the items are not in digital format, accommodations may be arrange to scan the items.
Upcoming Events
- Town Council Meeting03/26/257:00 pm - 11:59 pm
- Town Council Meeting04/09/257:00 pm - 11:59 pm
- Town Council Meeting04/23/257:00 pm - 11:59 pm
- Town Council Meeting05/14/257:00 pm - 11:59 pm
- Town Council Meeting05/28/257:00 pm - 11:59 pm
Contact Us
Town Secretary
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm *Calling assistance for people with hearing or speech disabilities may call Relay Indiana toll free by dialing 711 or 1-800-743-3333.
Contact Us
Town Secretary
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
*Calling assistance for people with hearing or speech disabilities may call Rely Indiana toll free by dialing 711 or 1-800-743-3333.
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday-Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
*Calling assistance for people with hearing or speech disabilities may call Rely Indiana toll free by dialing 711 or 1-800-743-3333.
Contact Us
Town Secretary
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Contact Us
Fire Chief
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-1268
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 24 hours a day through the Shelby County Sheriff Department: 317-398-6661 Emergencies: 911
Contact Us
Water Operator
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Contact Us
Building Inspector
Morristown, IN 46161
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm
Contact Us
Town Marshal / Webmaster
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (317) 398-6661
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Town Hall
24 hours a day through the Shelby County Sheriff Department
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-7112
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-7112
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: If you need to dicuss starting service, disconnects, payments or questions on billing, please call the Town Office at 765-763-6748.
Contact Us
- Phone: (765) 763-7112
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: If you need to dicuss starting service, disconnects, payments or questions on billing, please call the Town Office at 765-763-6748.
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am - 5 pm
Contact Us
Town Marshal / Webmaster
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Town Secretary
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am- 5 pm
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
IN, 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-1268
- Staff Directory
- Hours: 24 Hours a Day through the Shelby County Sheriff Department
Contact Us
Contact Us
Fire Chief
Morristown, IN 46161
Contact Us
Town Secretary
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Town Marshal / Webmaster
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday-Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
24 hours a day through the Shelby County Sheriff Department.
Contact Us
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (317) 398-6661
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
- Hours: M-F: 8 am to 5pm
Contact Us
Contact Us
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Shelbyville, IN 46176
- Phone: (317) 392-5127
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday-Friday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Sunday Closed
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Business: (765) 763-6748
- Staff Directory
- Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Contact Us
Contact Us
- Assistant: (765) 763-6748
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Contact Us
Contact Us
Morristown, IN 46161
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Redevelopment Commission
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6248 - Staff Directory
- Hours: Mon-Fri 8 am - 5 pm
Contact Us
- Phone: (765) 763-6748
- Fax:
(765) 763-6245 - Staff Directory